Year 4 2020 came up with the following class expectations:

Year 4’s need to learn to self-monitor their behavior and to follow the classroom expectations, in all classes at all times.

In English this term, we are writing biographies and reading ‘The Demon Headmaster’.

In Maths, we are working with place value and addition with up to 5 digit numbers.

In History, we are learning about indigenous Australians and early European exploration and settlement of Australia.

In Health, we are discussing resilience and how we can be resilient when things go wrong or we face challenges.

In Art, our focus is different methods of printing on both 2D and 3D surfaces.

In our new subject STEM, we are working on different mini projects, we read through the week’s project plan then build and then reflect on how it went, following scientific method.


Mrs. Victoria Kelly
Year 4 Teacher